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Compound Microscopes
Sorted by Model Number

We have a huge selection of compound microscopes. To see more information about a particular model, just click on its model number or picture.

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Compare Model # Description Price

A-01600Series A Monocular Microscope - Standard ObjectivesClick$539.95

A-01601Series A Monocular Microscope, Super Contrast ObjClick$589.95

A-01603Series A Monocular Microscope, Plan ObjectivesClick$699.95

A-01610Series A Dual-View Microscope, Standard ObjectivesClick$599.95

A-01611Series A Dual-View Microscope, Super Contrast ObjectivesClick$639.95

A-01613Series A Dual-View Microscope, Plan ObjectivesClick$759.95

A-01620Series A Binocular Microscope, Standard ObjectivesClick$699.95

A-01621Series A Binocular Microscope, Super Contrast ObjectivesClick$779.95

A-01623Series A Binocular Microscope, Plan ObjectivesClick$859.95

A-01624Series A Binocular Microscope, Phase Contrast ObjectivesClick$1,649.95

A-01630Series A Trinocular Microscope, Standard ObjectivesClick$909.95

A-01631Series A Trinocular Microscope, Super Contrast ObjectivesClick$949.95

A-01633Series A Trinocular Microscope, Plan ObjectivesClick$1,079.95

A-01634Series A Trinocular Microscope, Phase Contrast ObjectivesClick$1,849.95

F-01000Series F Compound Monocular Microscope - 4x, 10x, 40xR, 100xRClick$489.95

F-01005Series F Compound Monocular Microscope - 4x, 10x, 40xRClick$425.95

F-01100Series F Compound Binocular Microscope - 4x, 10x, 40xR, 100xRClick$625.95

J-01220Model J Compound Binocular Microscope, Cordless w/LED IlluminationClick$585.95

L-01300Cordless - Advanced Student Compound MicroscopeClick$275.95

L-01400Cordless - Advanced Student Compound Microscope w/1000XClick$455.95

LA-01100Cordless - Advanced Student Compound MicroscopeClick$295.00

MD-AE30Compound, Inverted Binocular Phase Contrast MicroscopeClick$2,819.00

MD-AE31Compound, Inverted Trinocular Phase Contrast MicroscopeClick$3,189.00

O-01410Model O Student Compound Microscope - Fine Focus, LED RechargeableClick$349.00

O-01415Model O Student Compound Microscope & Mech. Stage, LED RechargeableClick$399.00

P-01400Series P Student Compound Microscope - 1000X & Mech Stage, TungstenClick$454.95

S-02000Series S Digital Binocular Compound Microscope Click$1,429.95

S-02005Series S Digital Binocular Compound w/Super Contrast Obj. & Images Plus SoftwareClick$1,499.95

S-02010Series S Digital Binocular Compound w/Plan Obj. & Images Plus SoftwareClick$1,599.95

S-02020Series S Digital Binocular Compound Microscope with Phase Contrast ObjectivesClick$2,369.95

U-02500Series U ADVANCED Digital Monocular Microscope & Images Plus Software, 1.3 MP CameraClick$879.95

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